Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Renovation update

Hello everyone

Renovations to the Rubber Studio are moving along quite well, although things are slightly behind schedule. No worries, though. The turn-out is thus far looking great! I'm very excited to say that we are down to the last two rooms and then the dungeon renovations will be entirely complete. It's very exciting. We have the Rubber Room and Metal Chamber to contend with for the time being and those renovations should not take more than a month. In My excitement, I have decided to rename all of the rooms in the Studio. The Rubber Room will more appropriately be referred to as the "Torture Chamber" while the Metal Room will be the "Puppet Chamber." My old cross-dressing space has now been christened as the "Clinical Room," while the middle room is the "Boudoir" and the back room, the "Parlor." The renovations make the entire studio feel new and fresh, almost like a new space altogether. No more stuffiness and lack of room. The areas are open and spacious. There is more room for storage, which of course makes Me happy because now I have that extra space to crack my whip in that Cat-Woman style that will have all of you cowering and running away, and then begging for more of course! I can't wait until the Studio is officially complete!!!! It's been a long time in the works but WELL worth the wait. If you haven't been here in a while, I encourage you to arrange a session once everything is settled. Between the renovations and the new Mistresses working here, you'll have quite the reason to feast your eyes!

Mistress Ariana Chevalier

Keeping World Shiny And Tight And Well Disciplined

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